The latest edition of Kick Andy Magazine is out. Though, it is hard for someone like me to get the magazine. it was published at the end of June but i got it at the middle of July. Well, let's review the magz...shall we?
Lisa, Before doused by acid and After surgery |
Face Off become the main article for this issue. I thought it was about plastic surgery which is done by several celebrity. I was wrong. it was about Lisa, a woman who doused with acid on her faces by her husband. She tell her story here. Lisa is one of victims of domestic violence. Her Husband, Mulyono, jealous with Lisa. He assume that Lisa have an affair with another man. Lisa came to hospital 3 years after Mulyono Douse her with acid. 90% of her face was damaged. She try to avoid any medical treatment because Lisa afraid if Mulyono have to deal with police.
Another interesting and inspiring brought by Kick Andy. Some of them are an interview with Virgiawan Listanto (people know him as "Iwan Fals"), "Coping with Crisis" in
Me Time, 10 local innovators in
Kick Andy's top 10, A story of "Robin Lim", a midwife who stay in Bali in
Our Hero. The Survivor Club, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Berkah Kehidupan were reviewed on
Reading Room.
One Article that attract me is
Hot Talk,
Siap Menghadapi Kematian (Prepared to Face Death) and
Me Time,
Coping with Crisis. In my opinion, both are related. Death is something we can't deny. everybody will facing their death. However, death become something that human afraid of. There are two reasons why human afraid with death. First, human are pampered with worldly things, and they hold these things so tight. Second, Death is something mysterious, humans can't predict when it will comes. According to Komaruddin Hidayat, author of "Psikologi Kematian" (Psychology of Death) and "Berdamai dengan kematian" (Make Peace with Death), life is like waiting in an airport. We are sitting, waiting our plane will be depart and will crossing border of world. But, we must enter "Immortality Gate". We must prepared and welcome the journey with enthusiasm because this journey is "fixed". All we have to do is wishing that this is a happy journey and enrich our inner/mind, sort of spiritual tours.
Sorrow is a psychological reaction which we have to deal with. Ieda Poernomo Sigit Sidi, a pyschologist, states that everyone who lost will passing a "sorrow phase" such as denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. For how long someone pass the phase, it depend on the person. Sometimes, some person can't reach the last phase. Some people stuck on depression and then it will affect his body ( for instance, he will get sick). Denial phase depend on causes of the death, emotional closeness or meaning of the person to us.
In my personal life, It was truly sad when I lost one of my best friend. She was passed away a week before her birthday and 3 months after her marriage. A short message was sent from friend shock me. I don't have an overwhelming reaction. I just say, Owh maybe because she was ill (several days before, she update her facebook said she was on hospital). But, I felt regret the she passed away too soon. I felt sorry for husband. I felt regret since I felt I'm not being a "proper" best friend and (at that time). I said God are so cruel, why He don't give a happy live to my friends? Why God took Her?? Lots of friends and relative love her (until now her facebook are filled with comment say hi, telling their activities, or say that still missing her).
In the end, allow someone's death might not easy. But we must know, nothing eternal in this world. Everything has the end, we must learn to accept that and see that everything is not bad and knowing that God have a better plan for us.