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Red Cross or Red Crescent

>> Friday, September 14, 2012

For past few days, there's a lot of issues in Indonesia. For example, the election for Jakarta Governor or the attempt of parliament member to change symbol of Red Cross into a Red Crescent. In my opinion, parliament member didn't give any contribution for Indonesia. They always looking for a way to reap benefit for themselves. For example, they demand a new parliament building (which actually, leaned only several degree. Well, if you see school in several remote area in Indonesia, some building has (almost) has no roof. Even there's a ex-goat pen turn into a school. For this article, I want to emphasize the issue of the changing of Red Cross into Crescent Cross

Parliament member got caught cruising on the river in Denmark
After some critic from several people of Indonesia because parliament member's trip to Denmark and Turkey. Most of Indonesian said parliament wasting money, and there is no significant contribution for Indonesia. Now, parliament member eager to change the symbol of Red Cross into Red Crescent.

Personally, I disagree with their act to try to change the symbol. There are several reasons, why I don't want parliament member change the symbol.

First, there is nothing wrong with Red Cross, why bother to change something that nothing significant issue there.

Second, the budget for the parliament's trip to Denmark and Turkey are approximate to Rp 1,3 billion (US $130000). Instead for the trip, Why they don't buy books for poor students?? or build/rent some place for Red Cross.

Three, Red Cross is not a religious symbol. according to http://www.answers.com/topic/red-cross . The Red Crescent emblem was first used by ICRC volunteers during the armed conflict between the Ottoman Empire and Russia (1877–1878). Still, why bother to change it?

Fourth, The symbol was officially adopted in 1929, and so far 33 Islamic states have recognized it. Yes, majority people in Indonesia are moslems, but Indonesia are not moslems country.

Indonesia has a lot issues these days. So, why bother to ruin things that already fix and neglected crucial issues (such as corruption)? if Gus Dur, Indonesia's former president said that parliament member are a bunch of kindergarten. I'm with him.


Kick Andy Magazine (9th Issue): Education

>> Thursday, January 12, 2012

This month, Kick Andy Magazine are emphasizing education for their topic. Education in Indonesia haven't well spread. Many children in remote area haven't got a proper education. On my fieldwork practice on 2003, I was teaching students in a remote village in Papua. I heard that a teacher teach all clasess by himself, all subject, and that is on junior high school. So, being teacher in a remote area not that easy. So, let's take a peek on this issues......

Education and its problem
In this edition, Kick Andy Magazine, brings another inspiring stories. First, on Cover Story, Anies Baswedan, architect of the movement, Indonesia Mengajar, bring youth Indonesian to teach on a remote place throughout Indonesia for a year. Most of these young Indonesian have a decent job, and have big salary. But most of them eager to teach on a remote place throughout Indonesia. Bayu Adi Persada, for example, bored with all negatives issues in Indonesia, he try to build a new Indonesia by following "Indonesia Mengajar". He was assigned to teach in Halmahera. He's not only teach, but also discover that the principal corrupt the money. Along with other teachers, he sent a letter to head office. later, the head office warn the principal. After that, each time the school got  relief fund from government, the principal bring it to the front of teachers and ask "Now, what are we suppose to do with this money?".

In another article, Hot Talk, education still the main issue. A solid curriculum force not only students, but also parents. Parents were confused with present curriculum (indeed, I was sort of surprised of when I saw a 3rd year elementary school's homework. It's English subject and I was thinking "Hey, even I don't get this kind homework on my 1st year on junior high school"). It's okay, I think to teach student with a lot of subject but that doesn't mean it gives a lot of burden on them. Not only for Student, but also parents. I remembered when an elementary school gives some sort "impossible" requirement (in my opinion) for the candidate of students. A candidate student must know to read and write if they want to register in that school.

Other articles which still related with education is in Reflection. Komaruddin hidayat writes about burden of today generation. He compare children on his era and children today. Such as, children on his era are creative, they make toys from grapefruit skin, cardboard while children today can only ask their parents to buy some toy in mall. Our Hero reveals Buyung Thalib,  a man who sold his house and build a school. Buyung's visions are unlike normal people. His right eye is blind while his right eye experience near-sighted. However his defect not stop him to be a teacher, along with his wife he sell his house and build a school. some say he is out of his mind but his school is getting bigger.

Some interesting article you can find here, such as, in Uncut, Kick Andy Magazine tell about Dewa Ruci, a famous sailboat in Indonesia. Me time reveals how to release anxiety. an Interview with Ahmad Syafii Maarif. Kick Andy top 10 reveals top 10 public figure in Indonesia, from Soekarno to Ronny Pattinasarany. In Art and Culture, we can find out people who struggle to save Indonesian's literature. Finally, in Kick Andy Special, Kick Andy Magazine expose all handicap person who bring the best of them.

It is worth to read, it is worth to read :)


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