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Security Guard vs Suster Ngesot

>> Sunday, December 18, 2011

Bandung - Initially, Mega wants to give surprise on her friend's birthday on her apartment, Galeri Ciumbeluit Apartment. Mega disguise as "Suster Ngesot" (a ghost in a form a nurse but she drag her feet, to move, she crawl), Mega wants to shock her friend in front of the elevator. Unfortunately, everything doesn't seems go well. Inside the elevator, not only her friends but also a security guard. When the door open, others were shocked and the security guard relexively kicks "Suster Ngesot". Connsequently, her lower teeth broken and her temple bruised. Mega's Parents, a coal businessman, did not accept for Sunarya, the Security guard's act. They call police and state that their daughter was persecute by Sunarya and bring this case to court.

However, a lot of person support Sunarya for what he do, you can find it here. A group which support the security guard as what he done are correct. Some argue that Mega disturbing public order, Other says she act like "ababil" ABG labil" (an unstable teenager). The latest news, Mega's parents refuse apologies from Sunarya and still bring this case to the court.

Again, Law is on another test. Whether judge stand for justice or money (due the fact, Sunarya "only" a security guard who perform his duty, (some comments said that the apartment office were act off hand from this case and pointing the outsourcing company) or Mega's parent (who were a coal businessman). We will find out near the future.


Hidup itu Indah (Life is Beautiful)

Several months age,  I saw a promotional poster of a book. the title of the book is "Hidup itu Indah" (Life is Beautifu)l. With a picture of a three moslem man on a bike arguing with the police by asking "breaking the rules?? on what verse? on what hadith ?? (definitely they breaking the rules by not using helmet and riding a motorcycle for three). After saw it for several times, I was intrigued to read it.

"Hidup itu Indah" is a collection of comics (part of them you can find it here ) from Aji Prasetyo. Most of them expressing the opinion of the author based on current situation in Indonesia (for example, reality show, which is not a real "reality show", so why use that "label" if it based on script?? or maybe about religion, which might offend some community, which is that the fact, Aji just want to express his opinion in a "better" manner). topic about religion, media, politics and history are covered here and Aji "peel" it smartly. It might not completely covered here, but most of them has a value to emphasize

My favorite part is chapter 2 "Komoditi itu bernama agama" (commodity called religion). Where on "Satan Sued", Satan complained for what human do. Humans do bad thing in the name of God. They do bad things in the name of religion (in this book was majority "attacking" moslem, well it can be deniable since majority people in Indonesia were moslem). Religion become an attire, a mask, for people destruct something that they said it is wrong). 

Chapter 3 told about the influence of mass media in Indonesia, again still related with religion, but also about culture. For example, West (USA and Europe) are the standard of modern,and what comes from middle east are the standard of pious, while Indonesian's culture are stupid and infidel.
I was worry after reading the book, as the author offend certain circles. If it about politics, it is okay since reform made Indonesian have right to express their opinion (compared to Soeharto's regime). But when talk about religion, well it risky since most of the topic are about the religion who have a lot of followers in Indonesia. But again, I was impressed on Aji's way to express his thought. In my opinion, he's trying to express what he saw and feel honestly and based on fact (though, again, it seems attacking certain circle). last words?? it's cool and completely brave!!!!! salute for Aji!!!


Kick Andy Magazine (6th issue): Transgender/Queer

>> Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Latest issue from Kick Andy is on my hand, first of all I want to say I'm sorry for my absence for two months. I have some issues that I have to deal with. But, forget that lets take a peek to the this inspiring magazine...Shall we??

The topic which I found interesting here is about transgender in Indonesia. What will cross your mind if someone says Queer/ Transgender. Well, If you're in Indonesia, you might think about a third-class citizen, prostitute and some other bad image about them which even a straight man will shiver.

I have ever heard (in 2004-2005) when an acquaintance of my friend have a bad (I might say "worst") experience with Queer. He was an "Ojek" (a driver of motorcycle taxi), a queer use his service to take her to a mall. She said she will pay 25000 Rupiahs (2,5 US $ at that time). The driver agreed, so for several hours he take his passenger to the some spots. However, bad things happen after the driver take the queer to his home. the queer said he/she didn't bring enough money, so he/she invite the driver to his/her home. There were several friends of the queer. The driver sexually abused there and for his service as a driver, he got paid 5000 Rupiahs (0,5 US Dollar). If you wondering why the driver didn't fight?? well, he can't. His wife was pregnant at that time. In Indonesia, there's sort of myth or belief that when a woman pregnant, both husband and wife must not doing something reckless (such as killing or torture animals) which may harm the babies when he born (for example, my teacher in a high has a daughter who unable to walk until two years old. some people said that it happened because when his wife pregnant, my teacher tie a chicken's leg too tight). So the driver think if he harm them, his child will get the consequences.

Merlyn Sopjan

Judging by the last passage, probably, you might think that Queer are definitely problem in society. But, What if some queer/transgender try doing in positive way, Merlyn Sopjan and Megie Megawati are several transgender who fight for the Transgender/ Queer existence. Not only that, Megie helping an NGO to assist queers who eager to stop as a prostitute, and provide them with counseling. Merlya Sopjan are well Known as "Putri Waria" 2006 (beauty pageant for Queer/Transgender). He/She also run on major election in Malang, East Java several years ago.

Megie and Merlyn told their stories here. they struggle since they were child, friends mocking them, neighbors mocking them, however they have big-heart parents, both parents accept Megie and Merlyn as they are. Since Indonesia (majority) didn't accept the existence of queer, a lot of them were tortured. So, Megie provide others queer with skill and counseling. Sometimes, Megy join with another NGO (non-Government Organization) to help unlucky queer. Meanwhile, Merlyn also fight for the rights of queer and transgender. She published two books yaitu, and several years ago, Merlyn becomes a candidate of Major in Malang.

We may (now) judge them in a negative ways, but don't forget they're just like everybody else. They just like you and me.


Surabaya Creative Expo, BlueBerry, and Lisa

>> Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Surabay Creative Expo was held from 26th to 30st October 2011. I was maintain on one booth there. I thought it just a common expo, It is but I was surprised. The Participants not only from East Java but also from Bali. For example, Blueberry, a guitar manufacturer from Bali. Other things that surprised me is Lisa ( read about Lisa here), she has a booth there.

Surabaya Creative Expo 2011 was opened by the Mayor of Surabaya, Ir Tri Rismaharini, MTT. A lot of things there, there were workshop, seminar, live music, a lot of booth etc. As I told you before, some of them are from Bali. But, The one that attract me is Blueberry, it's not a brand of local cell phone. It's a brand of a guitar with beautiful engraving on it's surface.

Blueberry Booth on Surabaya Creative Expo 2011
I Wayan Tuges is the Crafter of these beautiful guitar. He start to craft guitar with ornament on it since 2007. Since then, He already crafted more than 1000 guitars. A piece of this guitar can be sold about US $ 3000. It is expensive since the material was imported and , Off Course, the value of the sculpting art on the guitar. One of his masterpiece is a US $ 15000 guitar. since it's head is coated with gold.

Mr D and US $ 15000 guitar
Mos of I Wayan's Customer are foreigner. "Compared to Locals, Foreigner appreciated my works" Said Iwaya Tuges. Anyway this is the link to Blueberry websites, you can find a lot of awesome guitar here

Lisa in her booth

Lisa, along with her friend, Christin have a booth there. Her booth sold accessories such as necklace, bracelet, headband etc. Most of them are made by herself. She learn to made these accessories from books and her friends. For someone who have a big trauma, she looks confident there. She also become a guest on a workshop entitlef "Marketing for Creative Industry" She talks about her rising as a a perpretators of Creative Industry. A big salute for Lisa!!! Go, Lisa!!!


Se7en Heroes: Andi Rabiah (part III)

>> Monday, October 17, 2011

Andi Rabiah or "Floating Nurse" as a model of a telecommunication advertisement

Always Longed by Community

Satisfaction that can never be replaced is when Andi rabiah know her patients who were treated back to health. Her services as a nun who is ready 24 hours make it always missed by the families of patients. her attendance always missed by locals in every island. "If I served on land or in the city, maybe my service and knowledge for the community are not so necessary because there are a lot of medical workers. Therefore, I want to remain on duty on the island" Said Andi Rabiah, who has been widow since 1990.

Andi Rabiah was born in June 29 1957 in Siger, Districk Pangkajene Kepulauan (Pangkep). After graduate for Junior High school she continued her school in Penjenang Kesehatan (PK) a medical school which same level as senior high school. accepted in 1975 and graduated in 1976. after graduate from PK, on April 1977, She became a civil servant in government clinic Liukang Tangaya, Saputan Island, subdistrict Liukang Tangaya, District Pangkep. Andi knows the medical world of her grandmother. Graduate from junior high school, she was determined to follow her grandmother's footsteps became the first medical personnel at her village.

Her husband is the head of the clinic on the island sapuka. when her husband died, people worried Andy Rabiah would leave the island. Locals begged to Andi Rabiah so she would not to move. "Floating nurse" is familiar with locals on remote islands. For the sake of their duties, Andi Rabiah must entrust their children from childhood to her relatives in Pangkep. "I often leave my youngest kids since he was eight months old. I'd have to entrust him and leave him for my duty for three to six months" Said Andi Rabiah.

Her salary is 1,7 milion Rupiahs (192.787 USD) per month. She used her salary for her kids need. Her needs is already fulfilled. in fact, because her hard work as a nurse, Andi Rabiah had twice pilgrimage, the first in 1993. then, the second pilgrims was done a year later when she appointed as health officer for pilgrims.

(To be continued....)


Kick Andy Magazine (3rd issue), Dealing with death and Coping with Crisis.

>> Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The latest edition of Kick Andy Magazine is out. Though, it is hard for someone like me to get the magazine. it was published at the end of June but i got it at the middle of July. Well, let's review the magz...shall we?
Lisa, Before doused by acid and After surgery

Face Off become the main article for this issue. I thought it was about plastic surgery which is done by several celebrity. I was wrong. it was about Lisa, a woman who doused with acid on her faces by her husband. She tell her story here. Lisa is one of victims of domestic violence. Her Husband, Mulyono, jealous with Lisa. He assume that Lisa have an affair with another man. Lisa came to hospital 3 years after Mulyono Douse her with acid. 90% of her face was damaged. She try to avoid any medical treatment because Lisa afraid if Mulyono have to deal with police.

Another interesting and inspiring brought by Kick Andy. Some of them are an interview with Virgiawan Listanto (people know him as "Iwan Fals"), "Coping with Crisis" in Me Time, 10 local innovators in Kick Andy's top 10, A story of "Robin Lim", a midwife who stay in Bali in Our Hero. The Survivor Club, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Berkah Kehidupan were reviewed on Reading Room.

One Article that attract me is Hot Talk, Siap Menghadapi Kematian (Prepared to Face Death) and Me Time, Coping with Crisis. In my opinion, both are related. Death is something we can't deny. everybody will facing their death. However, death become something that human afraid of. There are two reasons why human afraid with death. First, human are pampered with worldly things, and they hold these things so tight. Second, Death is something mysterious, humans can't predict when it will comes. According to Komaruddin Hidayat, author of "Psikologi Kematian" (Psychology of Death) and "Berdamai dengan kematian" (Make Peace with Death), life is like waiting in an airport. We are sitting, waiting our plane will be depart and will crossing border of world. But, we must enter "Immortality Gate". We must prepared and welcome the journey with enthusiasm because this journey is "fixed". All we have to do is wishing that this is a happy journey and enrich our inner/mind, sort of spiritual tours.

Sorrow is a psychological reaction which we have to deal with. Ieda Poernomo Sigit Sidi, a pyschologist, states that everyone who lost will passing a "sorrow phase" such as denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. For how long someone pass the phase, it depend on the person. Sometimes, some person can't reach the last phase. Some people stuck on depression and then it will affect his body ( for instance, he will get sick). Denial phase depend on causes of the death, emotional closeness or meaning of the person to us.

In my personal life, It was truly sad when I lost one of my best friend. She was passed away a week before her birthday and 3 months after her marriage. A short message was sent from friend shock me. I don't have an overwhelming reaction. I just say, Owh maybe because she was ill (several days before, she update her facebook said she was on hospital). But, I felt regret the she passed away too soon. I felt sorry for husband. I felt regret since I felt I'm not being a "proper" best friend and (at that time). I said God are so cruel, why He don't give a happy live to my friends? Why God took Her?? Lots of friends and relative love her (until now her facebook are filled with comment say hi,  telling their activities, or say that still missing her).

In the end, allow someone's death might not easy. But we must know, nothing eternal in this world. Everything has the end, we must learn to accept that and see that everything is not bad and knowing that God have a better plan for us.


Divine Cigarette: A solution for smoker??

>> Thursday, June 30, 2011

Everybody know that smoking is hazardous, but a professor from Malang found a filter for a which can reduce the effect from smoking. Professor Sutiman Bambang Sumitro claims that "Divine Cigarette" modify the effect of hazardous substance from cigarette become a healthy one. Using Nano biology, a smoke from clove cigarette can be used for benefit of human health, maintain and improve crops."I thought, there was a reason behind a creation of clove cigarette. That is a cure for cough" said Prof Sutiman.

In addition, Divine smoke improve the growth of soybean sprouts and encourage faster growth and capable for being an electrons provider of electricity transfers to the system in normal physiological processes. According to Prof. Sutiman, Nano Biology also makes the smoke from clove cigarette into odorless and clean air make so very friendly for environment. "By using a Divine Filter, a smoker can smoke in an air conditioning room because the smoke is more friendlier" Said Prof Sutiman.

Although "Divine Filter" still not mass produced, there are daily demand from consumer. "At least 30 package a day and we use the proceeds to fund my research. It is one of his way to facing the controversy since smoking is hazardous. Another thing is, he didn't offer his research to company and did not using a marketing system.

Personally,  I think this is not like the other product which encourage people to stop from smoking (herbal cigarette or electric cigarette, for example). But if it can improve a life of a smoker, why not. It might worth to try.


Se7en Heroes: Andi Rabiah (part II)

>> Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Replacing Witch Doctor

It is not easy job for Andi Rabiah, she struggle not only with ocean, but also with some locals. Some of the locals still believe in witch doctor. Many times, she was rejected by locals. However, she doesn't give up to give her sincere and best service.

"I have ever called by someone to cure a treat a patient on a small island. By the time I got there, the patient refused me. so, how am I supposed to do?" said Andi Rabiah. She wasn't bore to introduce herself and her duty among locals. Slowly, but sure, with her magnificent patience, locals began aware. They began realize the importance of medical treatment.

By this point, Andi Rabiah's duty is getting hard and complicated. "Floating Nurse" always prepared for 24 hours a day to serve any patients who need her. From one island to another, by motor boat or row boat, she must across ocean more than a day. sometimes she struggling with big wave and storm. She come to anyone who need her help.

Alone, "Floating Nurse" successfully replace sacred position of witch doctor in the societies. Almost everyday, she picked by patient's relative from Sapuka to antoher island with motor boat or row boat. Sometimes, she must stay for days in patient's home. Andi Rabiah said "For me, it pointless if I cam there but didn't get any results".

Andi Rabiah wants to be a nurse when she was a kid. But, she didn't expect to become a " Floating Nurse". With a simple boat, for more than thirty years, this mother of four has been crossing the sea from one island to another. Her work area covered are on district and four village spread on 25 island on the border Flores Sea, Java Sea and Makassar Straits.

If the patient must be refer to the nearest hospital, Andi Rabiah assist the patient a long the journey. Patient who lives on western islands will be refer to Sumbawa or Lombok (NTB) and it'll take six hours. While patient who leaves on eastern island will be refer to Makassar which needs a day and a night to sail the sea with a small boat.

Andi Rabiah often meet a condition where she must serve a critical patient in a bad weather. If the patient cannot be refer to the nearest clinic. Andi Rabiah must face the unfriendly situation.Using a small boat, which also not decent enough, she couldn't stop praying a long the journey.

" It's hard to refer a patient to Pangkep, we have to go to Makassar. Besides, the journey takes more than 26 hours. I feel pity for patients from remote island who must be referred there. Most of them didn't familiar with the place and route. they don't know where to buy the medicine after getting the prescription. So, I have to assist them" Said "Floating Nurse" sincerely.

After floating for hours, with her patient, she continue her journey to hospital by public transportation or get a ride on a truck.Her families disagree is she stayed in Sapuka. Moreover, they assume that her husband was passed away by some sort of black magic which done by the local. But, she did not withdrawn. She still serve and struggle. It is her principle: go forward undettered and never give up even for a second.

(to be continue....)


Se7en Heroes: Andi Rabiah (part I)

>> Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Many people struggle with their life and yet sometimes, they care more to the others than themselves. With a sincere heart they eager to help everyone who need their help. Just like Andi Rabiah, a "floating nurse" who serve on a more than 25 remote islands throughout Flores Sea. Her story was written on "Se7en Heroes". A book which contains 7 heroes picked by "Kick Andy"

Andi Rabiah become a well known nurse after her story as a "Suster Apung"become one of the finalist of Eagle awards 2007 (Eagle awards is a contest which held by Metro TV for a documentary movie). Andi Rabiah also nominated as "Kick Andy Heroes" because of her dedication as a nurse, which sometimes concurrently be a courier, a midwife and a doctor

Andi Rabiah

Her face is calm and look sad. Even though burnt by sunlight, her face reveals a friendly charm to anyone who look at her. For the sake of hundreds, even thousands lives, Andi Rabiah always prepared to sail across the sea which bear a high risk. Death is the worst one. She sails to help locals on a remote island throughout 25 islands.

In march 6th 1979, Andi Rabiah was an eight-months-old-nurse. She was on her duty as a "Suster Apung" (floating nurse). One day, while on her duty, Andi Rabiah and several passengers was stranded on an uninhabited island after a storm crash the boat. They had to stay on Karangan Kapas for almost seven days.

One the sixth day, some people were desperate, they tried to consume poisonous things from the sea, while the others had a plan to swim to the nearest island. Both plans are risky. It might killed the passenger who try to execute those plans since they are weak and the weather were bad. Fortunately, on seventh day, they were found by local who look after for them. Locals know the accident by a turtle's skin which washed out by one of the passenger.

On the next years, Andi Rabiah had had enough with any obstacles she encounter during her duty. Leaking boats is a common problem, along with storm and unfriendly sea. But, she never give up or lose hope. She still devote and fight for the sake of people who need her.

She was called "Suster Apung" (Floating Nurse) since almost everyday for hours, even 2 days 2 night, Andi Rabiah sails to help anyone from a remote island who need her hands. Half of her age was spent to help local in remote island in Flores Sea, South Sulawesi

Andi Rabiah, "the floating nurse"

Since 31 years ago, she served in silence. When officials from Jakarta were busy with their campaign and boast on their success helping poor, Andi Rabiah struggle to help poor and locals in an areas where it's never covered by mass media. Sumanga, Saelo, satanga Kapoposan Bali, and Sapuka are ther remote islands which far the hustle bustle. a hustle bustle which created by government official who struggle to become a leader.

When the official "blabber" on mass media by talking nonsense, Andi Rabiah has give more than a half of her life for perpetual life of locals on remote island throughout Flores sea.

(to be continued.....)


Siami: Portrait of Honesty is Wrong Among "Sick" Community

>> Sunday, June 12, 2011

Siami and her husband, Widodo (Photo: Imam/Detik.com)

National Examination always become a Nightmare, here, in Indonesia. Not only for the students, but also the teachers. They afraid if their students fail the national exam, which mean their students must wait for another year to follow the next national exam. Teachers give their best effort to help their students. Unfortunately, not all of them give a good assist for their students. Some of them, teach their student to cheat weeks before the test hold. Or, some other sell the test question. But, how about if a mother reveals the "national test mass cheating" case on her son's school? and why her neighbors gets angry and repel this mom and her family??

Siami, mother of Al, a young student of SDN Gadel 2, Surabaya (Gadel 2 elementary school) who recently followed a national exam may be the example that being honest didn't get respect from society. Instead of being praise for her action, she was expelled from her home by her neighbors. The story began four days after national exam, when Siami was told by parents of Al's friend that Al giving answer to other his friends during the exam. At first, Al didn't say anything. but later, Al said that he was asked by his homeroom to cheat during exam by giving answers to his friends. This "mass cheating" was planned three months before the national exam.

Siami meets the principal of SDN GADEL 2 to clarify the case. However, the principal only apologize and it didn't satisfy Siami's curiosity. She's trying to find out whether the mass-cheating scheme was designed by school or by the homeroom. Siami meets school committee, she also didn't get a better answer. Last effort, she complain to Education Department. This is the beginning when the case become known by public.

Unfortunately, parents from other student's getting angry. They demand Siami and her family asking for apologize. On a meeting between Siami and other parents, things are getting rough. Society defend Sukatman, Al's homeroom and blame Siami and her family. They cast out Siami and her family. Siami ask for apologize, still community expell her from their neighborhood. Later, Siami and her family move to Solo. She can't bear the pressure from the society.

Many people who know this news support Siami. Even, leader Nu and Muhammadiyah support Siami and regret the act of society who against Siami. Bagong Suyanto, sociologist from Airlangga University, said that Siami and society who confront Siami are victim of national exam. Both of them are fear of national exam.

Big salute for Siami. She doesn't want to be a hero. As a parent, she just don't want to her children have a bad habit. Well, what's wrong to teach our kids for being honest?? Public should know that if they let their kids cheat from the early age, they could be done worst when they grow. If society think cheating just a "common" mistake among kids. Well, it's a bad idea, how about if they, later, not being honest?? Not only in front of public, but also in front you, as his/her parents?? We should be glad that there's person like Siami who fight for the truth and honesty. Why you must hate her when she done something right? And for the teacher, care and hoping the best for your student is a must. But that doesn't mean to teach them doing something wrong?? Isn't supposed teacher teach good things? you want to teach them to be a better person, a person who have a good education, mental and moral. But how come you teach them to cheat?? You're not teaching bad thing to our next generation, aren't you??



Kick Andy Magazine (2nd Issue) and Free Sex

>> Thursday, June 9, 2011

Last week, I passed by a newspaper kiosk and one magazine shock me, Kick Andy magazine. With Black cover, and intriguing headline "Waspada Seks Bebas Mengancam Putra-Putri Anda!" (Beware, Free Sex Threaten Your Sons and Daughters). One thing that cross my mind, I must have it!! I never thought that Kick Andy will publish a magazine. Yesterday, when I walk to the kiosk. I'm wondering why they publish it in a magazine. For me, theres too much books from Kick Andy, even my friend said that by publishing this magazine they try to commercialize Kick Andy. Starting "Kick Andy: Kumpulan Kisah Inspiratif, Andy's corner: kumpulan curahan hati Andy Noya, Andy's Corner: Buku Kedua, Kick Andy: Kumpulan Kisah Inspiratif 2, Heroes, and 7 Heroes" (I bought them all, cause I like Kick Andy).
After I bought it, I little bit disappointed cause it was 2nd issue. I miss the first, I wish a have the 1st edition!!.

The contents itself are remind me with Reader's Digest. Both, Indeed it's very inspiring. However, the main article doesn't surprise me. I've watch Kick Andy when they broadcast the same topic ( they make it as an main article here, nothing new). However, a lot of inspiring articles inside so I won't disappointed that much. For example, Interview with Anies Baswedan, a man who willing to improve education in Indonesia, by forming "Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar" (Indonesia Teaching Movement). He's searching a young man/woman who eager to teach children in a remote area in Indonesia. Or, "Our Hero" article about Andi Suhandi, A 23 year old man, who eager to help street children. He create "Sanggar Matahari", a place where street children can learn just like their friends who have opportunity to go to school. Andi Suhandi , himself not  a rich man but he's willing to help these kids to get a better life. In "Reading Room" expose several books such as "Losing my Virginity: The autobiography", Garis Batas, 9 Summers 10 Autumns, and Shanghai Girls. In  "Kick Andy's top 10" counting the best vacation Spots In Indonesia. and still a lot more good article inside the magazine.

Still, the main point here is about Free sex, for me. This isn't something new for but yes, it is a serious threat. when the survey said that there's 62, 7 % Indonesian's teenager are not virgin and 21,2 % done an abortion. In my opinion it's must be bigger than that. I remember there were two case I find during my senior high school life. First, I was on my first year on senior high school (1997-1998).  When me and my friends (all of them are girls) talking about dating, boyfriend/girlfriend among your friends, it make you giggle. but, one of friend (let's call her, "E") think that the topic are filthy and not supposed to be to talk about/ taboo. And guess what??  When we had an mid-term exam, she was aborted her fetus and it happen in our school. Second, I was on second year, my friend said she found a letter which confess that the writer had already had sex with her boyfriend. when my friend gave her the letter, the owner of the letter was shock but she said nothing. Both case are happened more than 10 years ago, and in small city on eastern island of Indonesia. So, we can imagine what happened on teenager these days.

Most of causes of this phenomenon are parents. Based on the survey, first cause is Parents are not ready to be parents, it means they don't take a responsibility on their kid education and care. Parents think education are responsibility of teacher and care are responsibility of their baby sitter or maid. Second, parents are lack of awareness of technology's negative effect. Third, lack of parental assistance and care for children. Fourth, there small amount or maybe no education of sexuality from parents. and last, the absence of father figure.

I definitely agree if parents hold a crucial key to contend free sex among teenager. In my opinion, parents not only think by giving all material things that their kids need and want but also provide their kids with care and full attention. Parents not only think as a parent for their kids, but sometimes parents should be a friend for their kids. Parents definitely must know the positive and negative of technologies and their effect on their children. So, don't easily blame your kids if they do something wrong, see what's wrong on how you treat and raise them.


From Paris With Love (2010)

>> Wednesday, June 1, 2011

 From Paris with Love

"From Paris with Love" was released on 2010. It tells about a personal aide to the Ambassador in France, James Reese (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), who actually is a low-agent operative of CIA. He wants to be a higher level agents. Later, Reese was assigned to accompany Charlie Wax (John Travolta), a special agent, along his mission in France. Starting from, releasing Charlie from the airport to assist Charlie on assaulting a Chinese restaurant, Reese was dragged into a mission with full action which he was doubt since Charlie aren't working like Reese think. In the end of his mission, Charlie reveals that Pakistani terrorist was behind this scheme. Charlie and Reese learn that the terrorists plan to infiltrate the U.S. Embassy.

Later, Reese learns that the terrorists are planning to bomb a summit meeting. He also discovers that his fiancee, Caroline is an agent who was assigned to spy on Reese. Caroline shot Reese on his shoulder when her real identity revealed and runs from Charlie. After Reese receive a phone call from Caroline, Reese and Charlie were able to locate Caroline. Charlie pursuit Caroline on a highway while Reese stay in the apartment. Later, Reese reveals that  Caroline attempt to explode herself on Summit Congress. by phone, Reese said that Caroline is not a car which Charlie pursuit. However, Charlie still blow the car since it try to hit  USA delegation cars.

Reese finds Caroline at the summit and he persuade Caroline. Unfortunately, Caroline wants to detonate her vest anyway. Reese stop Caroline by shot her forehead.

 Overall, The movie was great lots of action, less drama. Travolta plays good here. Though, some of my friends said this movie contains propaganda. But, all I can say, its great outside of that Charlie is too perfect as an agent. The music score are nice too, you feel like you're in Paris. It's good...It's Good. ^_^


The Art of Sign language (Indonesia Edition)

>> Monday, May 9, 2011

In the middle of 2006, I was amazed by my lecturer since he can speak in English, French, German, Chinese, and Japanese. In my opinion, mastering language are fun. not only  One day, when I'm on a public transportation, I saw a Girl moving her hands on front her driver. At first, I thought why she would bother her driver while on the street. A few minutes later, I realize she was using a sign language.

I found this book in the middle of January, it was first-publish on 2008. I think I definitely late to purchase one. I was browsing and found a site to learn sign language. Sad enough, I can't find website for anyone who eager to learn sign language. I found a website from brunei (http://www.japem.gov.bn/BIsyarat/Pilihan%20Biskita.htm). The site can guide you to learn sign language, however the obstacle is language, Bahasa Indonesia are different from Malay ( even though Bahasa Indonesia was based on malay).

The books help me to learn sign language. It good enough to be a basic to learn signal language. With 800 words for signal language, definitely fill up a beginner with decent knowledge of signal language. Unfortunately, The Indonesia edition has weakness on arranging the content. Probably, the publisher follow the original version. But, when in the Indonesia edition it's kinda mess. But, out of the messy arrangement, this book definitely help anyone who keen on learning signal language.



>> Friday, April 29, 2011

"Dan ia mengganti kartu identitasnya, sampai peristiwa itu selesai di pengadilan kira-kira dua tahun kemudian. Ia memilih nama: Saman. Tanpa alasan khusus, tiba-tiba saja itu yang terlintas dibenaknya"

(" And he changes his ID card, until that incident was over at court approximately two years later. He choose: Saman. Without any particular reason, the words across his mind")

A friend lend me this book several weeks ago. Within three days, I've finish the books. This book reminds me when I read Siti Nurbaya on junior high school. I was easily draw to this book. The story, the character, plot, diction amaze me. Indeed, I was late. Saman was first published on 1998 but I read it on 2011. However, Isn't something we never read or see before is "new"??

This book told  a story about Saman, a former priest who became an activist after an incident in Lubukrantau. Not only Saman who were told in this novel, there were another characters told here. Laila, a woman who has passion on Sihar, a married man. Shakuntala, a dancer, one of Laila's best friends. Shakuntala lives in New York. And, Yasmin, a smart woman, Laila's best friends who has passion on Saman.

Saman brings a lot of themes; politics, sex, culture, belief/ faith. Ayu Utami mixes these aspects become one marvelous book. No wonder if Pramoedya Ananta Toer and Umar Kayam praise this book. Also, Saman achieve 1st Prize of  Jakarta Art Council Novel Competition (1998) and Prince Claus Awards (2000), an award for which given to people from third world who excel in the field of culture and development.

Critics were given to "Saman", some praise and some are not. Some said that Saman were too bold on exploit sexuality, politics and culture. But on the other side, other said that Saman told everything without pretense. Personally, I can say "Saman" is a great novel. A novel where the story can drag you  into the plot, feel the atmosphere which built by the author, and the readers feel that he/she become part of the story.  Definitely one of epic Indonesian's modern literature. Two thumbs up!!


Arifinto: A man in the right place, right time, wrong action.

>> Tuesday, April 12, 2011

For the past few days, another sensation occurs in Indonesia. After Briptu Kamaru and his Lip Sync action, now about parliament member. But this one brings bad effect on parliament member. Arifinto, a member parliament from PKS (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera/Prosperous Justice Party) watching a porn movie from his tablet while on plenary meeting. A journalist took a shot while Arifinto watching a porn content from his tablet. Few days later, news about parliament member watching a porn content exposed in Indonesia. Arifinto admit that he's the one who's on the picture. He said a link was sent to him, and he click it. He watched the video for several seconds then he close it. On Monday (4/11/2011), he resign as parliament member.

Arifinto definitely doing a wrong act. He's adding another minus points for parliament member in the eye of Indonesian citizen. Watching a porn content on a plenary meeting is a big mistake (Sleeping too). If it discuss about Indonesian people, parliament member must pay attention and give their opinion about the topic. Instead of listening, most of them usually absence or sleeping. So no wonder if former President, Gus Dur, Said that parliament member are kids from kindergarten. I agree with that. They said they were educated yet act like thug. We may remember theres a fight between parliament members (So wheres the educated manner, "democracy" and belief in "deliberation for agreement"?).

This also a direct blow for Tifatul Sembiring, minister of communication and information. He's the one ordered to block porn website. Unfortunately, his colleague from the same party watching a porn content. Well, I presume his decision to block all porn sites are not effective enough.

But, I raise my hat for Arifinto. First, he's a parliament member and he attend the plenary meeting (however, it went wrong). Second, Arifinto admit that he's the parliament member who watch the porn content. Finally, he resign as parliament member, yet still serve his party. Maybe another parliament members need to follow his way. Just like in Japan, when Minister of Foreign Affair, Seiji Maehara, resign and admit that he received a campaign fund donation from foreigner.

I just wonder, if Arifinto stay focused on plenary meeting, do his job as our representatives and didn't use his tablet. Maybe he still a parliament member now. But one single click ruins his career. I hope you learn a lesson from there, Sir.


Indonesian Police: Feared or Respected??

>> Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Today, I watched the most amusing video from an institution I hate since I was a kid, Police. It's shows a Indonesian police lip sync and dance in a Hindi music. At first glance, I can say "Well, Police are not bad at all". After many years,  I always thought that policemen are stern, discipline and feared or, I might, say hate by community. I always heard that anyone who involved with them, it means bad news. I f you get ticket , for example, you can bribe them. Seventy five thousand Rupiah or so will save you from a boring and twisting administration. But yeah, it made your feeling uneasy, or maybe cautious if you were stopped by them

The institution itself were trying to befriend and respected among society. In my opinion, it still won't work They went to the kindergarten, explain about what police are and what they do. They teach how children should behave on the road. But, I doubt if these kids will have a good image about police few years later. They may find out the real "image" of police if they grow up.

Since this video become a trend in Indonesia for past few days, Police trying to find out the suspect who upload the video on Youtube. For me, It is pointless, The video got hundreds positive comments. Most of them said if Norman Kamaru (the police who lip sync and dance) are funny and creative. I haven't found any comment who said he disgrace his corps. Also, I presume Norman act like that because he want to entertain his friends. Not expecting for a "cheap" fame.I don't think he will upload his video on Youtube. It might be somebody else who thought that the video is amusing. But look at the result., None of them mocking him and his corps. Most of comment support Norman if he got Sanction by his leader. Public love this police. You can see here http://www.facebook.com/pages/1-juta-dukungan-buat-oman-kamaru-untuk-tidak-ditindak/147286015337056, a group who collect 1 million supporters who ask Norman not get sanction by his institution.

So, Sir, If you think Norman disgrace your institution, I won't say yes. Some policemen went to red light district, bar, discotheque, receive a bribe yet won't say anything, always deny it. If you appreciate him but still give him sanction to him. It still not nice.If I were you, I'd rather choose him to be a "friendly police" mascot. he can be a police who respected and love by society. He is not a comedian who disgrace your institution.

But Sir, if you still persistent that police must be stern and discipline like before, well go ahead. People will still fear you, not respect you.


I am an ISTP and ID, You??

>> Tuesday, March 29, 2011

little bit intermezzo....

Frankly, I'd like to know about my personality. So, sometimes i took a quiz about personality, or read about psychology books. There are two website that I'd like you to know, maybe it is useful for you to know more about your personality, there are:

1. http://www.mypersonality.info/
This website, using Meyer-Briggs method, which said that there are 16 types of personality. you can make badge here and put it on your website (or facebook. they have an application on facebook here's the link http://apps.facebook.com/mypersonality). There are 76 questions, if you take the test. if you find difficulties, because your English is poor (maybe, you can use google translator). Also, you can take a test about multiple intelligences. there are 80 questions here, so take your time :).

2. http://www.ipersonic.com/
this website has a simple test, just answer 4 question (every question only has 2 choices. HINT: if you already finish test on mypersonalty.info test, you can use here) However, they use a different term, like ISTP, for example, become an ID (individualistic Doer). Finally, you can put your result to your Facebook (likewise, this website do have an application on facebook. Here's the link http://www.facebook.com/iPersonic?ref=ts&sk=app_201143516562748 )

know your personality, know more about yourself, and it's fun to know yourself


Heroes: Para Pahlawan Pilihan

>> Monday, March 21, 2011

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to preserve and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles - Christopher Reeve

Since the beginning, I always like Kick Andy (even though, I don't regularly watch every week). But, Yes, Kick Andy is one of my favorite TV program. This TV program definitely broad your mind and see every problem with your heart. So, what's the relation between this book and Kick Andy? Well, some guests on Kick Andy were reviewed in this book. They are not famous, an ordinary people, who have strong will which, based on this book, become heroes.

There are six persons reviewed by this book. Each person contribute their life on different aspects. they are Sidik, Haji Agus Bambang Priyanto, Dr. Joserizal Jurnalis, Saekan, Dynand fariz, and Ciptono. Sidik, a man with no leg, become a successful entrepreneurship. Become a person who handicapped, Sidik didn't easily give up. He went to Jakarta, looking for a job. It is not easy for a handicapped man lives in Jakarta but he can manage it. Sidik can break all obstacle.

Another hero is Haji Agus Bambang Priyanto, a moslem who lives in Bali, He's one of person who saved Bomb Bali's victim. We all know that the suspect for Bomb Bali (and all terrorist bombing in Indonesia) were "stern" moslem. But Haji Agus is eager to help, and put aside race or belief the bomb victim. What in his mind is he try to save lives as many as he could. This can be a portrait that all moslems in Indonesia are not terroris.

The Third hero is Dr. Joserizal Jurnalis, a surgeon who become volunteer. he become a volunteer on Maluku, Aceh even in Afghanistan and Irak. Saekan, a simple man who become pioneer on reforesting slope on Mt. Willis. Dynand fariz, a pioneer of Jember Fashion Carnaval (JFC). And the last hero is Ciptono, A teacher of handicapped (deaf, mute or autism) students.

Overall, this is a one good book. It reveals that becomes a hero, you don't have a super power or a lot of money. An ordinary person can become a hero if he has strong will to preserve and endure when facing an overwhelming obstacle. It could be anyone, It could be a driver, a pedicab driver, office boy, it could be journalist, or it could be YOU :).



Hi all...
welcome to my new blog :), this is the first time I want to write a blog. Frankly, I have a wordpress however I still want to make a new one ^_^. I write about a lot of stuff there (most of the are poetry, recently) and here, I want to write in English. At least I want to practice my english and my poor writing skill. Here, maybe it won't be different than my wordpress :). so, this is my first post. I'll post a new one as soon as possible. :) see ya!!


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