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From Paris With Love (2010)

>> Wednesday, June 1, 2011

 From Paris with Love

"From Paris with Love" was released on 2010. It tells about a personal aide to the Ambassador in France, James Reese (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), who actually is a low-agent operative of CIA. He wants to be a higher level agents. Later, Reese was assigned to accompany Charlie Wax (John Travolta), a special agent, along his mission in France. Starting from, releasing Charlie from the airport to assist Charlie on assaulting a Chinese restaurant, Reese was dragged into a mission with full action which he was doubt since Charlie aren't working like Reese think. In the end of his mission, Charlie reveals that Pakistani terrorist was behind this scheme. Charlie and Reese learn that the terrorists plan to infiltrate the U.S. Embassy.

Later, Reese learns that the terrorists are planning to bomb a summit meeting. He also discovers that his fiancee, Caroline is an agent who was assigned to spy on Reese. Caroline shot Reese on his shoulder when her real identity revealed and runs from Charlie. After Reese receive a phone call from Caroline, Reese and Charlie were able to locate Caroline. Charlie pursuit Caroline on a highway while Reese stay in the apartment. Later, Reese reveals that  Caroline attempt to explode herself on Summit Congress. by phone, Reese said that Caroline is not a car which Charlie pursuit. However, Charlie still blow the car since it try to hit  USA delegation cars.

Reese finds Caroline at the summit and he persuade Caroline. Unfortunately, Caroline wants to detonate her vest anyway. Reese stop Caroline by shot her forehead.

 Overall, The movie was great lots of action, less drama. Travolta plays good here. Though, some of my friends said this movie contains propaganda. But, all I can say, its great outside of that Charlie is too perfect as an agent. The music score are nice too, you feel like you're in Paris. It's good...It's Good. ^_^


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